PANKICHI-KEN 34 : Pao the pancake - New Career?

PANKICHI-KEN 34 : Pao the pancake - New Career?
Mr Burger - a friend of Gyoza-otoko and a proprietor of a burger shop - sometimes drops by at Pankichi-ken to have a chat with Gyoza-otoko.
Pao the pancake looks very interested in Mr Burger, hoping maybe he could be useful at his burger shop?

Mr Burger sometimes drops by kitchen at Pankichi-ken.
Mr Burger is a hamburger himself and also, a proprietor of a burger shop near Pankichi-ken.

Mr Burger : Then, Mr Daifuku said that...
Gyoza Otoko : Hahaha
Mr Burger is a good friend of Gyoza-otoko, who is a dumpling himself and also a dumpling chef. So, they have a lot in common!

Mr Burger has noticed that Pao the pancake is looking at them from behind the corner, and turns around.

Job offer!
Mr Burger : Would you like to try being stuffed between buns?
Pao : No..
It seems Mr Burger saw some potential in Pao, so he offers a job to Pao.
Unfortunately, however, the role is not really Pao was looking for.