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Pidan Original (Black one)
Pidan Rouge (Red one)
Blue Pitdan (Blue one)

We are "Pidans".

If you are not sure what exactly "Pidan' is, maybe you can google it.

It is Chinese delicacy food also know as century egg.

So, Pidans are basically eggs, which went through a special process.

However, please do not assume we are ordinarily Pidans.

Firstly, you can not eat us. You would not be able to catch us as we are very elusive.

Secondly , we are actually fictional creature created by an artist, "Nakanishi Manatee" in Japan.


Nobody knows exact Pidans' population on the earth... 

You might see Pidans here, there, everywhere, s they travel all around the world!

Somewhere in Japan, there is a place called "Pidan Alley",

where a panda called Pankichi owns and runs a Chinese Restaurant "Pankichi-Ken"

This is one of the places you can find a lot of Pidans in Japan.

Also, somewhre in the ocean, there is an island called "Pidan Island",

where you can find a group of more wild Pidans.

Let's look at you who you would meet in there.



The Owner and Manager of a Chinese Restaurant "Pankichi Ken". A misterious Panda full of secrets...

Gyoza Otoko

Gyoza Otoko

AKA "the Dumpling Man". The Head Chef of "Pankichi-Ken" Restaurnat. Wearing a dumpling suit?

Chie san

Chie san

A part time waitress at "Pankichi-Ken". Used to be an OL (i.e. Office Lady - female office worker), but unfortunately, made redundant.

Shu kun

Shu kun

Apprentice dumpling cook. Always wearing a misterious hat...



Regular customer of "Pankichi-Ken". He calls himself "Shacho", which means "Managing Director" in Japanese.

Tamao san

Tamao san

Works at a bar near "Pankichi-Ken". He or She?

Bob Terada

Bob Terada

A sales rep with no good luck so far with products he sells... But, that's life, isn't it??? Don't worry, be happy!!!

Mr Hori

Mr Hori

A real policeman. Is it his destiny that he encountered Pankichi...?

Ren Kosugi

Ren Kosugi

He loves Chinese Spoon so much that he invented a new game, that is: "Chinese Spoon Darts"

Domburi Shifu

Domburi Shifu

Spends most of his time triying not to spill the soup.

Mr Burger

Mr Burger

The Manager of a Hamburger shop. A friend of Gyoza Otoko.



Yes, our Pidan!

Fukahire san

Fukahire san

AKA "Mr Shark-Fin". One of the very well-known ingredients of Chinese cuisine.

Mr Ra (Chili Oil)

Mr Ra (Chili Oil)

Mr Ra is the House Special Chilli Oil of "Pankichi-Ken". Always angry.



Pao - the pancake for Peking Duck / Crispy Aromatic Duck.

Steamer Fairy

Steamer Fairy

(AKA Seiro-Fairy) If you are lucky, you may be able to see them.

Delivery box No 1 and 2

Delivery box No 1 and 2

Pankichi-Ken accepts delivery orders - so these guys are quite busy!



Pankichi's pet goldfish. Cannot deny he bears an eerie resemblance to his owener..



マンドラゴラゴラ 地中でお昼寝して、頭上の花に甘い蜜を供給している。 Sleeping under the soil providing the flower on the top of his head with sweet nector..



チョウチョ マンドラゴラゴラのお花の蜜が大好き She loves nector from Mandragora-Pidan's flower.


Loadberry Consultancy (Text)

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