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- 2016 - 

Facebook Cover May 2016

Facebook Cover May 2016

実は、ピータンは空飛ぶ鯉を飼ってるのです。お空で散歩、気持ちよさそう。 May I introduce Pidans' pet flying Koi Carps! They like going for a swim in the sky with Pidans.

Pidan Calenar May 2016

Pidan Calenar May 2016

初夏の高原をドライブピータン~! May - Spring or early summer? Pidans make most of the nice weather and enjoy driving!

Pidan Calendar April 2016

Pidan Calendar April 2016

そして、お花見で飲んだくれピータンズ。 Then, throwing a party under Cherry Blossom is one of the Pidans’ favourite ways of spending April afternoon. They are completely drunk!

Facebook Cover April 2016

Facebook Cover April 2016

桜の季節。ピンクの花びらにまみれてピータンも幸せ。 Cherry Blossoms! Pidans love the pink petals – nice colour coordination, isn’t it?

Facebook Cover March 2016

Facebook Cover March 2016

春が来た! ハイキングにでかけて山菜みつけて興奮ピータン! Spring has come! Pidans set off for a hiking then found some nice edible plants in the field. Pidans are so exited!

Pidan Calendar March 2016

Pidan Calendar March 2016

今年の日本はまだ寒いけど、これからどんどん暖かくなるはず! This year, it is still quite cold even in March... but we believe it will be warmer soon!

Pidan Calendar February 2016

Pidan Calendar February 2016

でもでもやっぱり、バレンタインデイ! Anyway, let's celebrate Valentine's day! XXX

Facebook Cover February 2016

Facebook Cover February 2016

バレンタインチョコレート!ピータンは、色気より食い気です。 Valentine's chocolate! Pidan is more interested in Chocolate than the other complicated things...

Pidan Calendar January 16

Pidan Calendar January 16

あけましておめでとうございます。 今年も良い放浪を。 A Happy New Year! Hope we will have lots of adventures!!

Facebook Cover January 16

Facebook Cover January 16

2016年1月 昨年はお世話になりありがとうございました。 今年も、ピータンは相変わらずピータンです。そして、だんだん増えております。 Happy New Year! Thank you for your support in last year. Pidan are doing well as usual. And, Pidan population is gradually increasing!


Loadberry Consultancy (Text)

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