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- 2015 -
Pidan Calendar December 15おおお、今年も後1ヵ月。 楽しく過ごしましょう。 Oh, only one month left in this year. Let's enjoy ourselves and make most of it. | Facebook Cover December 15早いもので、もう12月。 ピータン雪だるま、凍ってしまわないのでしょうか?冷凍ピータンの食感やいかに? It's already Devember. Time flies. By the way, Pidan playing Snowman in the snow. But if they are frozen, the texture might change... | Pidan Calendar November 15わあ、知らないうちに11月だ! Oops! It's already November! Time flies... |
Facebook Cover November 1511月と言えば、ボジョレー・ヌーボーの解禁です! 意外や意外、ピータンズはワインが大好き!もっと飲みたいよう。 In November, we can start drinking very young wine, BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU. Apparently, Pidans love wine. WANT TO DRINK MORE... | Pidan Calendar October 15走れ!走れ! 今のうちに、いっぱい走れ! Run, Pidans, Run!!!!! | Facebook Cover October 15Trick or Treat? ピータン・ゴーストがお宅を訪れたら、お菓子をください。 Trick or Treat? If you open the door and encounter one of these Pidan Ghosts, please give them a treat! |
Pidan Calendar September 15さあ、秋の行楽。 キノコ狩りに、行きたいね~。 Autumn officially starts in September and one of the things you can enjoy in Autumn is walking. Pidans want to go for a walk and pick up mashrooms.. | Facebook Cover September 15十五夜。ピータンラビットは見つかるかな? Full Moon Night - let's go find Pidan Rabbits! | Pidan Calendar August 15猛暑だ…。 どうりでスイカが美味しいはずだ! It's extremely hot in Japan in 2015 summer... It's hard, but at least, best time to enjoy watermelons! |
Facebook Cover August 20158月と言えば、ひまわり! August always reminds me of Sunflowers! | Pidan Calendar July 20157月になって梅雨があけたら、ピーラカンスとランデブー! Rainy season ended and now summer is coming. It a time for rendezvous with Pi-lacanth. | Facebook Cover July 20157月7日は七夕です。 7th July is "Tanabata" festival in Japan. It is the day the Star Prince and the Star Princess can finally meet after one year separation. |
Pidan CalendarJune 2015雨の季節は、楽しい傘で楽しくやろう~。 Let's make most of rainy season, enjoy using colourfull umbrellas! | Facebook Cover June 2015つゆですねえ。ピータンてるてる坊主、役にたつかなあ。 June in rainy season in Japan. "Teru-teru Bozu", are hanged by the window sill, wishing for the rain to stop. | Pidan Calendar May 2015気持ちいいこの時期の空…。 ホンマに泳げたら楽しいなあ。 Pidan is swimming with Floating Koi Carp! |
Facebook Cover May 20155月5日はこどもの日!ピータンもカブトを着てみました。 5th May is Children's day in Japan. Pidan is wearing "Kabuto", Japanese armores helmet, which are displayed as symbols of strength and vitality. | Pidan Calandar April 20154月。いろんなことが始まりますね。 放浪も新シーズンスタート! みなさん、さあウロウロしましょう。 April, a lot of things start in April in Japan. Pidan Odyssey new series start inApril, too. Let's go adventures! | Facebook Cover April 2015春ですねえ。 Spring has come! |
Pidan Calandar March 2015暖かい日やら、寒い日やら。 この時期のちょっとした楽しさを味わいたいもんですなあ。 Warm day or cold day? You never know what you will get in March, and I actually enjoy it! | Facebook Cover March 2015ピータン、ひな祭を満喫してます。 Hinamatsuri (Girls' Festival) is one of Japanese traditional events in March | Pidan Calandar February 20152月と言えば、節分。 ピータン、節分の為に自ら鬼を作る!。 In Japan, 3rd of February is the day we belieave the spring begings. And we also celebrate the day with a custom of "Mamemaki" in which we throw beans (Mame) to "Oni (assumed enemy)" to get rid of evil spirits and welcome good ones. Pidans are making an "Oni" snowman. Maybe they want to do "Mamemaki"! |
Facebook Cover February 2015ピータン風船でバレンタインデー。 Let's celebrate St Valentine's day with Pidan baloons! | Facebook Cover January 2015明けましておめでとうございます。 Happy New Year! | Pidan Calandar January 2015明けましておめでとうございます。 ううう、冬はコタツごと放浪したいなあ。 A Happy New Year. Mmm, I want to travel with my duvet in Winter,,, |
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